Holiday Programs April 2024

April - Holiday Programs For Your Child To Enjoy

In all states of Australia - we have Holiday Programs that match your holidays:

FRIENDSHIP HERO (Boys 8-12 yo & 13-17 yo)

Social skills for the playground - 8 afternoons of friendship-filled sessions

States holidays - Choose by state:

  • VIC/QLD/WA           School holidays: April 2 (Tues) – April 12 (Fri)
  • NSW/ACT/TAS/SA  School holidays: April 15 (Mon) – April 26 (Fri)

Afternoon sessions or evening sessions. 

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WORTH IT (Girls 8-12 yo & 13-18 yo)

Learn that we're "worth it" to make friends - 8 afternoons of friendship-filled sessions

States holidays - Choose by state:

  • VIC/QLD/WA           School holidays: April 2 (Tues) – April 12 (Fri)
  • NSW/ACT/TAS/SA  School holidays: April 15 (Mon) – April 26 (Fri) 

Afternoon sessions or evening sessions.

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MINECRAFT (Social Skills groups for all ages)

Afternoons: Tues/Wed/Fri

Mornings: Saturdays

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Social Games (Social Skills groups for ages 8-25)

Afternoons: Tues/Wed/Thursday

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Brick Builders - Lego Club (Social Skills groups for ages 8-15)

Afternoons: Fridays

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Art Social Skills Group (Social Skills groups for ages 8-17)

Afternoons: Tuesday, Thursday

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For the Big, Popular, Fun Social Skills Programs - See Below

Friendship Hero (Boys)

What your son will learn:

Session 1: Conversation Hero

  • Start conversations and keep conversations rolling.
  • Listen to others so they feel cared for.
  • How to talk with others about topics of shared interests (topics we both want to talk about, not just my favorite topic).

Session 2: Helpful Hero

  • Contribute to how others feel.
  • Be a consistent friend who helps and cares for others. 
  • Take opportunities to help and know we have  something to offer. 

Session 3: Confident Hero

  • What do we stand for? What battles are with fighting?
  • Be the sort of person who others will enjoy being with?
  • Know our value/worth is not dependent on what others say or think

Session 4: Healthy Hero

  • Ways to take care of ourselves (physically) to stay self-confident.
  • Ways we present ourselves well to the world, because that makes social interactions easier.
  • We want to be both physically and socially healthy.

Session 5: Gentleman Hero

  • Ways to talk to girls and treat them well. 
  • We can be caring for our mums, sisters, and the girls at school.
  • Know strategies for when things are tricky or embarrassing with girls. 

Session 6: Bounce-back Hero

  • Bounce back from rejection, tough days, and moments when I feel ‘stuck’.
  • Who to get help from and talk with about friendships that aren’t working.
  • Strategies for handling disappointments, friendship challenges and social issues.

Session 7: Bullyproof Hero

  • Strategies to deal with teasing or bullying.
  • Know the difference between people joking and people being mean.
  • We can do fun things I can do on my own if we want or if others are not being kind.

Session 8: Friendship Hero

  • What actions and words I can use to make and keep friends.
  • Real friends can play with other people sometimes.
  • Our friends are allowed to have different opinions to us.

Worth It (Girls)

What Your Daughter Will Discover: 

Session 1: It’s great to be me – Who I am around others

  • Who I choose to be
  • I don’t need to compare myself
  • Dropping the mask in friendships

Session 2: What I want from friendships and life

  • Dreaming
  • Goal-setting
  • Making positive friendship choices

Session 3: Healthy friendly relationships

  • How I contribute to my friendships
  • What a good friendship looks like
  • Realistic expectations of our friends

Session 4: Social Safety – In Person & Online

  • I choose to be safe (what I allow and don’t allow)
  • I know how to be safe online
  • I know who I can talk to so I can stay safe

Session 5: Social & Personal Resilience

  • Ways I stay and calm and brave in friendships
  • I choose optimism and a growth mindset
  • My friendships can bounce back

Session 6: Navigating challenges in friendship (self-choices, conflict resolution)

  • Friendships have ups and downs
  • Who helps me when my friendships are tricky
  • Recognising bullying/unhealthy friendships vs normal ups & downs

Session 7: Healthy relationships – Personally Healthy

  • How I maintain a healthy body and mindset
  • Personal hygiene – presenting myself well to others
  • My feelings go up and down and that’s okay

Session 8: ‘Friendly Me’

  • Accepting myself and affirming my own worth
  • My value is not set by others’ opinions or words
  • I am not a perfect friend, and others won’t be either, but that’s okay.

For next term - Secret Agent Society and PEERS for Teens

Secret Agent Society® content

(8-12 years old)

The SAS curriculum trains children in how to:

  • Recognise emotions in others
  • Recognise their own emotions
  • Express their thoughts and feelings in appropriate & calm ways
  • Know strategies for handling feelings of anger and anxiety
  • Communicate with others in ways that others are open to
  • Play with others, using strategies such as taking turns and negotiating
  • Handle mistakes, transitions, surprises and unexpected problems
  • Strategies for building and maintaining friendships
  • Knowing how to deal with day-to-day issues that come up in friendships
  • Recognising the difference between playful joking and actual bullying
  • Strategies for prevention and handling of bullying and teasing

Secret Agent Society is an innovative social skills program designed specifically for children aged 8-12 with ASD or other social needs. Developed by renowned Clinical Psychologist Dr. Renae Beaumont, Secret Agent Society is utilized by individuals worldwide.

Learn more

Peers® Course Content

(13-17, 18-25 years old)

  • Session 1:  How to start conversations that feels natural and how to exchange information in social settings.
  • Session 2:  Ways to keep conversations flowing more easily and balanced ways of exchanging information.
  • Session 3:  Finding reliable sources of quality friends
  • Session 4:  Electronic communication – Do’s and don'ts
  • Session 5:  Appropriate use of humour – Depending on content, timing, & strength of relationships.
  • Session 6:  Entering group conversations and playing your role within the group.
  • Session 7:  Exiting conversations – When, how and why to leave conversations gracefully.
  • Session 8: Get-Togethers - How to plan for social events & steps for enjoying social times.
  • Session 9: 2 ELECTIVES: (a) Sportsmanship Skills OR (b) Pre-dating etiquette: How to talk & interact confidently with both guys & girls
  • Session 10: 2 ELECTIVES: (a) Games Winning & Losing OR (b) Simple Pre-dating etiquette: Basic dating do’s and don'ts
  • Session 11: Handling disagreements
  • Session 12: Handling direct bullying
  • session 13: Handling indirect bullying
  • Session 14: Social celebrations, socially confidence, revising other goals and skills
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